Curiology Applying artificial intelligence to the creative process

Navigating AI’s creative frontiers and ethical horizons

Examining tools like Midjourney and Chat-GPT, Visual and Creative Director Silvana Martín explores how AI can be applied to creativity, as well as the ethical considerations and societal impacts associated with it in this three-part reflection.

Written by: Silvana Martín Alvarez

Applying artificial intelligence to the creative process

My exploration methods

During one month, I dedicated myself to analyzing and testing various AI tools, including Midjourney, Chat-GPT, Dall-E, and Runway. Throughout this time, I thoroughly explored the capabilities and functionalities of these tools. The texts I present as part of the Curiology Project are the culmination of a detailed analysis and my deep personal experience using these tools.

This dive into AI tools ignited my curiosity to go further into the implications of AI in the creative realm, marking the start of my research. How does AI allow me to venture into new areas? Are these areas genuinely as untouched as they seem? What should I be mindful of when assessing the results?

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How AI allows us to venture into new territories and whether they are truly as unexplored as they suggest

Diving into the creative use of AI

As I immersed myself in the use of AI, I stumbled upon a set of intriguing questions that went beyond just the creative domain. I wanted to understand how AI allows us to venture into new territories and whether they are genuinely as untouched as they seem. Moreover, I found myself pondering the things one should consider when evaluating the results these tools produce.

It’s truly astonishing to witness the broad spectrum of possibilities these tools present in such a short span. Yet, as I delved deeper into their hands-on use, questions surfaced that extended beyond creativity. I began to question the varied applications of these tools and both the positive and negative impacts AI might have on society. I also aimed to pinpoint potential risks tied to their use.

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As I delved deeper into their hands-on use, questions surfaced that extended beyond creativity.

Ethical implications

The immediacy of my inquiries, combined with the swift rise in AI adoption, made me acutely conscious of the pressing need to address the ethical considerations that crop up in this arena. Often, innovation can run ahead of existing legal frameworks. Thus, it becomes paramount for us to lay down the groundwork now for the kind of society we envision in the imminent future, especially when considering the ethical repercussions of AI.

AI stands as an incredibly potent tool, holding the power to optimize costs, conserve time, and uncover areas previously uncharted by human endeavor. However, it’s equally vital to recognize the significant risks accompanying its use. Therefore, I firmly believe that diving into discussions about AI’s future ramifications right now is essential for ensuring an approach that’s both ethical and responsible.

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It’s essential to establish now the foundations of how we envision our society in the near future, taking into account the ethical implications of AI.

My exploration: A three-part series of reflections

Given the vast amount of data I’ve gathered, I’ve organized my inquiry process into three main parts below.

By exploring these topics, I hope to add to the ongoing conversation about responsible AI practices, aiming to sculpt a future that resonates with our collective values and puts humanity’s well-being at the forefront.