Legal Environmental policy

Environmental policy

We recognize our responsibility to protect our planet, and we're committed to minimizing the impact our firm has on the environment. 

We believe that businesses are responsible for the continuous improvement of protecting the environment. It is our responsibility and policy to tackle the significant environmental and energy impacts of our operations, address climate related risks and opportunities, invest in sustainable solutions, and encourage our contractors and clients to do the same.

Our operations

As an all remote team, we strive to reduce our GHG emissions to reach net-zero climate impact by 2030. To do so we will:

A sustainable internet

We will push ourselves, our clients, and our vendors to work toward products and outputs that are:

  • powered by renewable energy
  • using the least amount of energy and material resources possible
  • advocate for environmentally friendly technology solutions

Supporting our network

We are committed to support our network of suppliers, clients and other stakeholders to reduce their environmental impact. Our sustainability strategy includes:

  • Development of new product lines and businesses that help clients track, analyze and report on their environmental impact;
  • Undertaking client projects that support environmental protection;
  • Provide recommendations and solutions to clients that support environmental improvement;
  • Support suppliers to improve their environmental impact;
  • Engage in pro bono work that support environmental protection and improvement.

Sharing our progress and accountability

We’re developing and shaping our methods to report our progress and benchmark our current and projected environmental impact. As part of that initiative, we will:

  • ensure that our policy is clearly communicated both internally and publicly
  • address complaints about any breach of our Environmental Policy promptly and to the satisfaction of all concerned